Through the Cupbored and into a land far far away!

Dive deep into the twisted inner thoughts of liv.. not really... but still if you're willing make sure you bring a snorkel!

If you're into Narnia you haven't seen anything yet..


Keeping up Appearences

Here's to be being a bit of a loser! sorry :)

There once was a story about.... WENDY

ѕтσиєя вαявιιє

So you're probably all wondering who Wendy is.. It turns out that i secretly have a double personality. This is no joke. No joke at all.. Her Name is Wendy.

So Wendy is Liv when Liv gets *slightly* intoxicated.. : /

Wendy hits the bars... searches for an unsuspecting male and BAM plants a big lip smacker on them! Wendy makes Liv deal with the consequences and it turns out everybody seems to relate to Wendy better... hmmm?

It has sort of turned into a nice little experiment now... seeing the reactions. One guy pushed Wendy away the other night just saying WHOA... WHOA-WHOA-WHOA! you'd think that hoe would learn something! Tell me what you think of this? Does Wendy need to grow up and start settling down? or Should Liv stop drinking?

Don't believe me? Ask the one and only Stacey she can of course shed some light on the situation!

Get back to me! Keep truckin' :)

Letter to my Future Self


Dear Future Liv ,

First of all we just need to touch base on the important stuff. Past you is AWESOME so i can only hope that this future me has carried on the tradition. I hope you still love animals and don't mind making a fool of yourself. Sam and i (you remember Olky right) are discussing making a YouTube sensation next week... so i'm probably writing to a famous me right now.. but yeah.. what of it?

I wonder if you're still blonde. And honestly.. do you EVEN have a boyfriend yet! So maybe i should tell you what impulsed this letter to you. Well... it all started in the caf this evening whilst you were munging on your chicken with mushroom and garlic sauce. I was discussing with my friends what i wish past Liv told me now. And what present Liv needs future Liv to know. Ergo.. the most awesome letter you will ever read!

so.. Liv.. Lambert? Or are you married now?

1. I'm putting a lot into this diet so DON'T YOU DARE eat nuggets everyday and ruin all my hard work!

2. DON'T drink milk... it turns out you're lactose intolerant.

3. DON'T ever try and cut a 4 leaf clover shirt.. i dont care if it's st patrick's day

4. DON'T eat pad thai from anywhere but a Thai restaurant or Thailand... it's all PAD SHIT!

5. sign out of Facebook when people are around

6. DON'T be a stupid idiot and never visit Olky in Arkansas (incase you're a dumb dumb and forget where she lives)! She's awesome and you MUST visit her.

7. Be rich enough to not have to drink goon.. even if it is goon appreciation day next Wednesday

8. Try red wine

9. Don't eat corn and think you have aquired taste.. you hate it and you always will

10. If time travel is real please visit past Liv

Anyway.. i'm sure you're doing great in the Big Wide World.. anything i do now to ruin future Liv i am sorry.

LOVE past Liv :)

Back and wearing a hat (return of the jedi ||)

HELLO! (so far to one trusty follower)

Because of this one loyal girl i am back in the blog force... i know! how exciting! This is just a quick message to let any some sort of eyes listening that i am going to morph into a frequent blogger MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This means my blog is going to have to resemble a some what 'cool' factor. i shall have no problem with this!

This will be all for right NOW because i am tired which means it's bed time for me which definitely ends in me counting sheep! But thanks for reading.. i am chuffed :)