Through the Cupbored and into a land far far away!

Dive deep into the twisted inner thoughts of liv.. not really... but still if you're willing make sure you bring a snorkel!

If you're into Narnia you haven't seen anything yet..


Forced to question my character!

One thing that really gets to me is when you go out for lunch to have a really, really good feast and somebody orders a sandwich. This happened to me today and it got on my nerves as it made me feel extremely guilty to buy something battered and deep fried like what I really wanted. Now normally i wouldn't really care but i was with a health freak so i only had one choice to go for the sandwich in order to create the illusion that my thighs were thinner.


      So because i had a health crazed person staying in my room, i went for two walks in one day.. if you knew me.. you'd know this wasn't me. In the process though i witnessed a beautiful sunset which was worth any amount of muscle ache. It was also out of character for me to spend a day in the Library studying.. is this person a good influence? I don't know how bout you decide! Keep Behaving!


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